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This section of website is about the explanation of the philosophy I am trying to follow.

First thing, you need to understand the characters which are essential for understanding this philosophy, which are grand admiral Thrawn, Anakin Skywalker and Revan.

Thrawn for me represents the logical side of my soul. He is interesting to me due to the following reasons:

  • Unlike other imperial officers, he is not racist and takes interest in studying his enemy's art, which allows him to learn of enemy's philosophy, history, culture, mentality. This retained knowledge then allows him to choose proper strategy and tactics when engaging enemy in space battles.

  • Unlike Vader, he tries to inspire his subordinates through mutual respect. Also he accepts and listens to opinions of his subordinates. In the case of subordinate's error in judgement, Thrawn doesn't kill him like Vader, instead he appreciates subordinate's self-reflection on an error he made and guides him to help him find flaws in his logic.

  • He tries not to waste resources he has at his disposal (troops, starfighters, star destroyers). The thing that amazes me the most is how Thrawn, after the Empire fell in Legends continuity, was able to unite the Imperial remnants and take the capital city of Republic called Coruscant under the siege with so little resources.

  • Thrawn is cool-headed and collected, unlike Vader.

Anakin Skywalker for me represents the emotional side of my soul. He is interesting to me due to the following reasons:

  • Unlike most of the Jedi, Anakin cares deeply about his closest friends and doesn't give up on them when others do.

  • He is passionate about robots, such as C-3PO and R2-D2. The Jedi themselves would see this as forbidden and if robots got destroyed, they wouldn't give a damn.

  • When Anakin engaged himself in Clone Wars, he respected his fellow clone troopers, such as captain Rex and fought for them, unlike the Jedi, who would see clones as expendable and sacrifice them if necessary.

  • Anakin was fierce and courageous warrior and tried to do everything it takes to end a conflict, despite the brutality he had to use. The jedi would disagree with this and because of that, they would lost the war because their code didn't allow them to use their emotions.

Lastly, there is Revan. To simply explain him, he represents the unity of my emotional side and logical side of my soul, which I am trying to achieve. That means that Revan is combination of Thrawn and Anakin together, however there are few differences:

  • Unlike Thrawn, Revan understood the Force in its entirety, Thrawn had problem with comprehending how the Force works, simply because it was illogical to him.

  • Unlike Anakin, Revan had the better control between his dark side and light side in him. Anakin was unfortunately not able to reach his full potential as the Chosen One when he was alive due to his trauma and arrogance. Revan simply represents the version of Anakin, who followed his own choices and morality, didn't become the slave to Sith or Jedi teachings and understood the internal struggle with balancing his dark side and light side in him, which are essential to coexist.

There was the mention of internal struggle between dark and light in relation to Revan, to further explain this concept, continue to the next part in this website section.

Interpretation of the Force

Here is the video, which for me represents the best depiction of Revan I have ever seen. I recommend to focus on dialogue, not the fighting choreography. This video basically explains how Revan views the Force, what is wrong with the Jedi and Sith code and I fully agree with him.

If the message, which Revan was trying to say is still not clear, there is this video which in own words explains what represents the entirety of the Force and what Revan embodied.

The last video mentioned the term Balance, to complete the explanation of philosophy, continue to the last part in this website section.

Balance of the Force


The mural on the image represents the Mortis gods, Father, Son and Daughter.

On the left, there is Daughter. She represents the light side of the Force. She embodies the things such as daylight on the Earth, creation of life, kindness, mercy, love, wisdom, hope, courage. She is in a constant battle with her sibling.

On the right, there is Son. He represents the dark side of the Force. He embodies the things such as storms on the Earth, destruction of life, hate, greed, anger, fear, passion, power. He is in a constant battle with his sibling.

In the middle, there is Father. He represents the balance of the Force. He embodies the figure which is responsible for the things such as that day becomes night and night becomes day repeatedly on the Earth. His job is to control both of this children and make sure they don't kill each other, because both of his children need to coexist.

As a matter of fact, Anakin was destined as the Chosen One of the Force, which meant he was supposed to replace Father because Father was dying. Anakin, as mentioned, didn't reach his full potential in his mortal form, but as seen in Ahsoka TV show, specifically in the scene with World Between Worlds, Anakin in afterlife probably assumed the role of Father and is able to control both dark and light together and effectively as Revan did. Revan probably had the same destiny similar to Anakin, but he didn't reach it because he became obsessed with destroying the emperor Tenebrae and didn't bother to find Mortis. 

To conclude this section, I am trying to reach that Balance, in other words, reach my full potential. I personally identify with Revan, specifically his story and experiences, as he is inspiration to me.

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